QAO is now truly unstoppable with StackOS!

3 min readMay 30, 2022

We are super delighted to announce our partnership with StackOS to deploy our powerful decentralized governance protocol on their revolutionary decentralized cloud.

There are great benefits to this partnership, especially because StackOS’ decentralized cloud makes it so that our application becomes unstoppable!

Literally, no one can take it down! Additionally, our DevOps costs are drastically reduced and we can deploy test application onto a live environment and take it down and stop paying when testing is done.

StackOS is a cross-chain open protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share their computing resources and collectively offer a decentralized cloud; where developers around the world can deploy any full-stack application, decentralized app, blockchain private nets, and main net nodes in minutes, anonymously, more securely and at a lower cost.

Here are the reasons why we chose to partner with StackOS!

Lightning-fast Deployment

Deployment on StackOS can easily be done in minutes through its easy-to-use interface after the applications have been containerized. Its total no-code deployment reduces the developer resources from our end to deploy and allows us to focus more on building our epic application.

Testing is also made super-efficient because of this feature because we can now quickly test out applications in the privatenet and optimize it faster for the mainnet.

Unstoppably Decentralized

StackOS has nodes and clusters that are spread across the world. This allows us to be genuinely decentralized and provides us with an everlasting, trustless, and secure deployment engine to run our application.

Even if a node provider gets deleted from the network or malfunctions, the application will failover to another instance in real-time. Hence there is no downtime, ever. It is truly unstoppable.

Truly Anonymous

​​Launching an application on StackOS is anonymous. There were no sign-ups required to deploy an application. They don’t know what runs on the cloud and who deployed it. All they care about is that our application is running powerfully.

Cheaper costs

Deploying on StackOS is a lot cheaper than deploying on traditional cloud services like AWS or Azure. This is mainly because StackOS removes the need for a huge DevOps team to manage the deployment and the performance of the game. We rather spend those precious resources on you, our users by improving our application even further!

These features of StackOS make QAO even more powerful!

This partnership also puts us at the vanguard of the DeCloud narrative that will soon revolutionize the world. We were delighted to take up the opportunity to partner with them and look forward to a fruitful working relationship together!

About StackOS

StackOS is a cross-chain open protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share their computing resources and collectively offer a decentralized cloud; where developers around the world can deploy any full-stack application, decentralized app, blockchain private nets, and main net nodes.

We aim to provide the world with “The Unstoppable Infrastructure Protocol”, which will allow anyone around the globe to deploy their application without incurring high cloud management costs and freely run any application they wish to run. StackOS furthermore intends to help brick and mortar businesses around the globe, to go online cost-effectively and securely with minimal technical overhead.

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QualiFied. Autonomous. Organization. Decentralized governance protocol for smart assets.